Fit To Her Core

Reconnect to your core and center of power.

Reprioritize your body, mind, and spirit.

Rediscover who you are beyond 'mom'.

Realign with your intuitive feminine energy.


Work With Me

Are you a mom who feels like you've lost touch with your own body and needs amidst the whirlwind of raising a family?


 At Fit To Her Core, we understand that motherhood changes everything—your body, your time, your energy. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping you reignite your inner strength, reconnect with your physical health, and rediscover the woman you are beyond your role as a mom.

We’re here to support you on a transformative journey back to your true self. We focus on strengthening your core and pelvic floor, improving your overall fitness, and nurturing your well-being. Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t just important—it’s essential.

Join us, and let’s embrace this journey together.

Transform Your Body & Life From The Inside Out

At Fit To Her Core, we specialize in providing thoughtfully designed programs, resources, and a supportive community that empower you to focus on self-care, heal your core and pelvic floor, improve your overall strength and fitness, and deepen your self-awareness.

We believe that understanding and nurturing your own needs allows you to be the best version of yourself for your family, the world, and most importantly, for YOU!

Our commitment is to help you regain not just your physical well-being but also your mental and emotional health. From customized fitness plans tailored to enhance both your core and pelvic floor recovery and overall strength, to mindful practices, our holistic approach covers all essential aspects of your postpartum and peri/menopause journey. Together, we'll create a nurturing environment where you can thrive, rediscover joy, and find fulfillment beyond your role as a mom.

It’s time to rekindle that inner spark and embark on a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery. Let Fit To Her Core guide you as you reconnect with your body, rediscover what moves you, and align more closely with your deeper purpose. You deserve to feel strong, confident, and fulfilled—the incredible woman you truly are.

Join our community today and start a journey focused on healing and empowering you to shine from the inside out. You have incredible strength, and we're here to support you in tapping into it every step of the way. Welcome to Fit To Her Core—where your transformation and healing begin.

Here's How To Get Started

Core Confidence Guide

If you’re a mom ready to strengthen your core and pelvic floor, regain control of your body, and navigate motherhood with renewed confidence, this guide is your essential starting point.

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Stronger To Her 5 Day Challenge

Sign up for this challenge to help you strengthen your core, reconnect to your body, and reclaim your sense of SELF after becoming a mom.

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Restored To Her Core Program

Gain core strength and confidence,  transform yourself from the inside out, and regain your fitness with my results-driven core & pelvic floor program.

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Fit To Her Core In-Person Studio

Work with me in person to restore your core strength and function, get a flatter tummy, build strength, increase your energy, enjoy life, and live in a body you love.

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Fit To Her Core Vodcast

Discover exercises, lifestyle tips, personal development tools, and self-care practices to help you restore and strengthen your body and empower you to be the best version of yourself.

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Some Amazing Success Stories

So your program is amazing. My diastis went from a little over a 3 to a little over a 1. I lost 2.25” in my waist and 1.25” in my hips.

While the results are great and having me feel more confident...the amount of knowledge I gained was amazing. It’s very obvious you have a passion for this because the information was so thorough and your support was great!

I can’t wait to keep applying what I’ve learned in to my workouts to continue building up the integrity of my core! Thank you Victoria! ❤️

- Holea C.

I have lost 15 pounds and can look at myself in the mirror again and feel good about myself. I never realized how important it is to heal your core properly after carrying and birthing a child and especially before returning to your normal exercise routine! We are worth taking the time out for ourselves so that we can take better care of our families. ❤ " 
- Paige V.

"Victoria's coaching collective is a fantastic program for c-section moms who want to slowly and safely ease back into movement while learning valuable new information.

From core breathing to strength training movements, she has video demonstrations as well as quick-to-reply feedback if you have questions. The downloadable PDF has more than just workout programs listed, it is a HUGE source of information about c-sections and your body (things as a nurse I was not very familiar with!) as well as nutrition and supplement guidance if you want.

Any new or former c-section mom would benefit, I am so pleased with my results I've had so far and look forward to completing!"

- Danielle L.

See More Success Stories

Meet Victoria

I’m Victoria, and I’m the founder of Fit To Her Core. 

I’m also a wife, a mom to four kids, and I’ve been where you are right now.

I help moms their regain core strength, fitness, and their identity beyond 'mom'

The name Fit To Her Core means so much more than simply core fitness.

It means "being fit" in a way that meets women's physical, mental, and emotional needs because transformation starts from the inside out.

We can't change on the outside and expect lasting change unless we do the work to change what's happening on the inside by way of our mental and emotional programming.

A woman's core is her powerhouse of movement and function, her energetic home base for creativity, passion, life fulfillment...and so much more.

And yet, so many of us women, especially us moms, fall out of touch with the energy that this area of the body represents.

We fall out of touch with who we are and what lights us up because we are consumed by the everyday responsibilities of being a mom.

You, my fellow mom friend, were meant to do more than simply slug through the ins and outs of everyday life.


Don't spend another day feeling unhappy or stuck in your body and your life! 

Let's get you back to feeling strong and confident in your body and living a life that reflects the best version of yourself!


Grab The Core Confidence Guide

Strengthen your core, reconnect to your body, and reclaim your sense of SELF as a mom.